Curso Intensivo de Inglês Online
LSA GLOBAL advocates the intensive online English course. But before taking the program, please read this.
Daily Activities 01- Intensive(Opens in a new browser tab)
In the year 2000, we estimate one and a half billion. Be it (or a quarter of the world’s population) the number of people speaking English!
For 400 million people, the majority of whom live in the United States and Great Britain. English is their first language. But for more than a billion people, English is the second or third language. A language essentially for their professional and personal life. The language as an Intensive English course is increasingly establishing itself as the preferred language learning system of humanity, business, science, and popular culture. Three-quarters of global correspondence, for example, and 80% of electronic messages on the Internet, are in English. Soon, more people will speak English as a foreign language than a native language. “There has never got a language spoken by so many people in so many countries….
Making Friends(Opens in a new browser tab)
A language becomes powerful when a nation becomes powerful. … This power can be military, cultural or economic. Wave a dollar in front of someone. And he will learn complicated spelling and English grammar: “says Professor David Crystal, around Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.
This is why it is essential that today’s young people learn English. A necessary tool for the success of their future professional life, but also for their personal pleasure.
LESSON 07 Reading Tips For Section 3(Opens in a new browser tab)