

英国:办公室 7662 182-184 High Street North East Ham London,邮政编码:E6 2JA

+44 737 846 1403         

喀麦隆:Combi Crossroads,马达加斯加,杜阿拉 III,邮政信箱:13079

                                  +237 696 20 67 31          






Evaluating suitability for a Teaching Career Illustration of a teacher interacting with a pupil. A profession in education can offer both gratification and complexity. Competent educators have a significant influence on the lives of young individuals on a regular basis. The educators impart not just scholastic aptitude to their students, but also instill proper conduct, teach effective interpersonal skills, and cultivate a strong work ethic to attain objectives. If you aspire to pursue a profession that allows you to actively contribute to society and have a tangible impact on the world, then the field of teaching might be worth considering.




教师必须对其专业领域有深刻的理解,并具备熟练地向他人传授知识的技能。 其中最 好老师的重要品质是热爱学习。教师应该 永远不要停止学习新事物,因为他们可以把这些知识传授给他们 学生。学习还可以帮助教师了解最新的教学 方法和趋势。

A teacher has the option to instruct in all academic disciplines or focus on a specific area of expertise. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers often educate a single cohort of students in a wide array of disciplines, encompassing reading, science, and mathematics. Typically, middle school and high school teachers focus their attention on one or two specialized subjects, such as mathematics or science. Within these broader domains, a teacher may deliver instruction for various courses. For instance, a high school educator with expertise in the field of science may instruct classes in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. A degree and state certification in the specific endorsement area are necessary.

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我们在教育和商业领域秉持三大核心价值观:诚实、纪律和忠诚。通过这些价值观,我们努力用我们的工作超越学习者和客户的期望。LSA.GLOBAL 为超过 1,600 名客户提供语言服务而感到自豪,我们知道客户信任我们的服务,如果没有他们,我们就不会取得今天的成就。

+44 737 846 1403

英国,182-184 High Street North East Ham London E6 2JA,办公室电话:7662


喀麦隆,杜阿拉 III,马达加斯加 – Combi Crossroads – 邮政信箱:13079

+237 696 20 67 31

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