Учебный план
- Разделы 9
- Уроки 107
- Продолжительность жизни
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- SECTION 1: BEFORE YOU START THE COURSEYou should know the language of the classroom before you start this program.2
- SECTION 2: MAIN PROGRAMPractise the lessons and send your recorded voices of all the vocabulary topics to your instructor.49
- 2.1LESSON 00 English Spelling and Pronunciation60 минут
- 2.2LESSON 01 Introducing yourself
- 2.3LESSON 02 Vocabulary: Countries
- 2.4LESSON 03 Talking about Yourself
- 2.5LESSON 04 Vocabulary family and pets
- 2.6LESSON 05 Things you have
- 2.7LESSON 06 Using Apostrophes
- 2.8LESSON 07 Vocabulary: Everyday Things
- 2.9LESSON 08: Talking about your things
- 2.10LESSON 09 Vocabulary: Jobs
- 2.11LESSON 10 Talking about your job
- 2.12LESSON 11 Telling the time
- 2.13LESSON 12 Vocabulary Daily Routines
- 2.14LESSON 13 Describing your day
- 2.15LESSON 14 Describing your week
- 2.16LESSON 15 Negatives with “to be”
- 2.17LESSON 16 More negatives
- 2.18LESSON 17 Simple questions
- 2.19LESSON 18 Answering questions
- 2.20LESSON 19: Asking questions
- 2.21LESSON 20: Vocabulary Around Town
- 2.22LESSON 21 Talking About Your Town
- 2.23LESSON 22 Using a and the
- 2.24LESSON 23 Orders and Directions
- 2.25LESSON 24 Joining sentences
- 2.26LESSON 25 Describing places
- 2.27LESSON 26 Giving reasons
- 2.28LESSON 27 Vocabulary AROUND THE HOUSE
- 2.29УРОК 28 Вещи, которые у меня есть
- 2.30LESSON 29 What do you have
- 2.31УРОК 30 Словарь ЕДА И НАПИТКИ
- 2.32LESSON 31 Counting
- 2.33LESSON 32 Measuring
- 2.35LESSON 34 At the shops
- 2.36LESSON 35 Describing things
- 2.37LESSON 36 Vocabulary Sports
- 2.38LESSON 37 Talking about sports
- 2.39LESSON 38 Vocabulary Hobbies and Pastimes
- 2.40LESSON 39 Free time
- 2.41LESSON 40 Likes and dislikes
- 2.42LESSON 41 Vocabulary Music
- 2.43LESSON 42 Expressing preference
- 2.44LESSON 43 Vocabulary Abilities
- 2.45LESSON 44 What you can and can’t do
- 2.46LESSON 45 Describing actions
- 2.47LESSON 46 Describing ability
- 2.48LESSON 47 Wishes and desires
- 2.49LESSON 48 Studying
- SECTION 3 : DAILY ACTIVITIES AND ROUTINESLearn the language we use everyday.6
- SECTION 4 : EXAMPLE SENTENCES FOR DAILY ACTIVITIESLearning and using new words and phrases in sentences help to remember them for a better speaking.5
- SECTION 5 : EXPRESS ENGLISH GRAMMAR (BILINGUAL LESSONS EXPLAINED)Here, you are going to discover how we use the language with their direct translations to foster in fast speed your speaking skills.25
- 5.0Lesson 01 Learning The Alphabets (ABC)
- 5.1Lesson 02 Learning To Pronounce
- 5.2Lesson 03 Useful and Polite Phrases
- 5.3Lesson 04 I Introduce Myself
- 5.4Lesson 05 Verbs of Opinions
- 5.5Lesson 06 I Talk About My Family
- 5.6Lesson 07 Asking My First Questions
- 5.7Lesson 08 Adjectives And Possessions
- 5.8Lesson 09 Counting Numbers
- 5.9Lesson 10 The Present Time with BE or HAVE
- 5.10Lesson 11 A / AN / THE / Article Zero
- 5.11Lesson 12 Pronouns
- 5.12Lesson 13 BE + ing with Present
- 5.13Lesson 14 The Simple Present
- 5.14Lesson 15 Asking And Saying The Time
- 5.15Lesson 16 Comparatives
- 5.16Lesson 17 Superlatives
- 5.17Lesson 18 Asking Questions 2
- 5.18Lesson 19 Future And Simple Future
- 5.19Lesson 20 The Gerund Form
- 5.20Lesson 21 Preterit
- 5.21Lesson 22 The Present Perfect
- 5.22Lesson 23 The Tags
- 5.23Lesson 24 Modal Auxiliaries
- 5.24Lesson 25 Indefinite Quantifiers
- SECTION 6 : WE SPEAK: COMMON ENGLISH PHRASES…TABLE OF CONTENT 1.Common expressions 2.Greetings 3. Travel, directions 4. Numbers and money 5.Location 6.Phone / Internet / Mail 7.Time and dates 8.Accommodations 9.Dining 10.Making friends 11.Entertainment 12.Shopping 13.Communication difficulties 14.Emergency and health 15.Work 16.Weather 17.Miscellaneous17
- 6.01. Common expressions
- 6.12. Greetings
- 6.23. Travel, Directions
- 6.34. Numbers and Money
- 6.45. Location
- 6.56. Phone, Internet, Mail.
- 6.67. Time and Dates.
- 6.78. Accommodations
- 6.89. Dining
- 6.910. Заводить друзей
- 6.1011. Entertainment
- 6.1112. Shopping
- 6.1213. Communication difficulties.
- 6.1314. Emergency and Health
- 6.1415. Work
- 6.1516. Weather
- 6.1617. Miscellaneous
- SECTION 8: ASSIGNMENTSNote. do the assignments below as you receive a mail notification to do. You are free to do it from home or everywhere using your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. NOTE: As you are typing, please watch your ponctuations, your spellings or grammar points. Good Luck !3
- SECTION 9: QUIZZESHere are quizzes for you to work out to consolidate your language.12
- 9.0Уже говорю на уровне A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.1Водите осторожно A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.2A, some or any A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.3Adjective Prepositions Constructions A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.4Agatha Christie test questions A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.5American homophones A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.6An Easy Question A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.7Anything, nothing, something, everything A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.8Articles in English Grammar A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.9Auxiliary verbs: was, did, have A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.10Basic American English A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
- 9.11Basic English Expressions A1 A210 минутВопросы 10
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LESSON 18 Answering questions
LESSON 20: Vocabulary Around Town